Today I had such a great experience!
Zone Therapy
Big, HUGE thanks to everyone who recommended it. Not only do my feet feel great but my hip hurts less, my shoulders and neck feel looser, and overall I feel calm and relaxed.
Zone therapy isn't suppose to miraculously cure me but hopefully we can get some stimulation going. Anything that will possibly make the process quicker and easier I am willing to try!
I had a Dr. appointment with my neurologist today. He was very happy with the progress I have made and said that my reflexes are much stronger. Keep plugging along!
I'm so glad that zone therapy helped you feel lots better. That's wonderful! That's right...just keep plugging along. Love ya!
I am so glad you liked it. I went the other day and it was super nice. I really do admire you Steph. Keep up the good work.
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